Bianchi Consulting & Associates, Inc
Helping you keep your employees safe and your company compliant with government regulations
What we bring to your table...
Experience (as a 40+ years veteran in Safety and Health) Expertise (as an OSHA authorized trainer in both Construction and General Industries), and Engagement (as a Presentation Skills professional) With instruction that both educates and involves, we can help you satisfy the spirit and the letter of regulatory laws.
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What we bring to your table...
We help you navigate through the labyrinth of government regulations. Not only will you be able to understand what they mean, but you'll be better able to satisfy both the letter and spirit of these often-confusing laws. Examples of this service include Wall to Wall and Focused audits, One to One and Virtual Face Time, and coaching through an OSHA inspection.
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What we bring to the table...
Individual policies, Safety and Health Manuals tailored to your organization; ISNET Policies.
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We are driven by values
Bianchi Consulting is an approved vendor for the Massachusetts Office of Public Safety and Inspections. That means we can provide Continuing Education for many of the Commonwealth’s Hoisting Classifications, as well as help your employees prepare for the state’s exams for Excavating Equipment, Forklifts and Overhead Cranes.
~ Have a diverse work force? No problem. Our business partner in Interpreting Services enables us to provide instruction in just about every language.
Since 2010 our success rate has never been lower than 90%,
and in some cases as high as 99%.